Saturday, September 09, 2006

Another meal out: Flammekuche at Flam's

Friday was another meal out for me, but this time I managed to keep to a budget of 10 EUR. My friend and I split a flammekueche (or tarte flambée, in French), a thin-crusted pizza with fresh cream, onions, bacon, sliced cheese or a wide range of toppings. It's rich because of the cream, but it doesn't fill you up with extra bread, like pan pizzas in the U.S. might.

With 1/2 a thin-crusted pizza, a large salad (greek feta cheese and tomatoes), and a 250cc beer, the bill came out to 9,90 EUR, which for France is not expensive at all. Of course the obligatory carafe d'eau (as opposed to the pricey mineral stuff) helped keep down the bill.

The restaurant Flam's is a good place to go if you're in a large group, as it's easy for people to have one small appetizer for themselves and share a large pizza with the others.



Locations in Paris, Lyon, and Strasbourg, Lille and Grenoble.
There are photos of the flammekueche pizza on this home page.


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