Sunday, October 01, 2006

CHAWARMA: Like a Kebab, Wrapped in a Burrito Wrapper + Sunday at the Marketplace

Today, on my way back from the marketplace (it was raining today, although temperatures outside remain cool and not chilly), I decided to have a kebab sandwich at the Lebanese restaurant I went to once just a few steps from the Hotel de Ville near the Lyon Opera.

Instead of the usual kebab sandwich, served in a pita-like covering, I opted today for a chawarma, which is the same meat served in a thin burrito like pancake with pickles and the same vegetables as the kebab.

Served with fries inside, it's a steal at 4 EUROs. Add to that a couple of makroud cookies (which I had bought yesterday near the Alliance Française) and you're set!

Recipe (untested) for Chawarma (Lebanese Steak) on a private home page:


Today, the pickings at the market were lean, although it was good to see several shops selling oysters (I can only imagine what winter will bring.) There were a lot more vendors selling cheese and jams, and I expect with the fall harvest there will be a lot more of those types of producers selling on Sunday.

Today there was also one vendor selling spices and herbs for teas. Check out the bundles of cinnamon and the star anise sold by weight.


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