Sunday Market: Guess What They Had?
Today was Sunday, market day, and as usual I swept in at 1 o'clock, as vendors started packing up to go back. Desperate to sell, they were offering plates of bell peppers, tomatoes, and green beans for 1 EUR a piece. Much more than I can use, but maybe four to five times less than what I would pay at the super market. That big a difference, really.

But as with the chestnuts, oysters, and mushrooms, the merchandise changes with each passing week, and this week, they were offering ... lichees? They must be something the French associate with winter, but there they were, bucketloads of them (and truth be told, I saw them at Carrefour yesterday, too).
Before you get your hopes up, they are NOT made in France, but imported from (get this) Madagascar. Shipped here all the way from off the southeastern coast of Africa. What a journey!
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