France pulls through!
No, this is not about soccer, this is about the individual cases that I've had to pursue on my own.
I received the bag that I had submitted for repairs to the boutique just yesterday. It was professionally wrapped and filled with packaging materials and sent in a beautiful company box. But alas! no free goodies inside as compensation (shucks!)
Then another reimbursement I was waiting on came through, after I had written that organization a polite letter in French explaining how I was due four months of payments because I had started my studies in September. An equally polite reply arrived last Wednesday arrived to inform me that, yes, my assertion was correct and that funds would be wired by the end of the week. And they were.
Just one more: the cable company has claimed it has processed the reimbursement, but it still hasn't arrived in my bank account. Cross my fingers and wait a little more? Or do I have to go in again to their office. (LOL)
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