Friday, July 06, 2007

Nuits Fourvieres -- Patti Smith

About one week ago, I went to one of the outdoor concerts held in the theatres romains, the ruins of the roman theatres up on the Fourviere hillside overlooking Lyon.

There in a sold-out performance, I was lucky to see Patti Smith perform with her band in front of a crowd of (I would guess) 4000 spectators. In front of the stage is a standing room area which allows you a good view of the stage and the singers. Behind the standing area are hard stone seats, free seating.

At 61, Patti Smith still packs a lot of energy and passion into her performances. I was able to take a few videos of her performance and have uploaded them here:

Sorry, I'm still getting hang of uploading videos onto YouTube, but I can see how useful it can be in disseminating stuff that you take either during your travels or when you're away from home.

As Smith has been performing since the '70s, the crowd was mostly made up of people older than me (whew!), who were nevertheless enthused to see an old master perform (and give the Rolling Stones a run for their money!). At 32 EUR ($45) this was a bargain compared to the 100 EUR ($130) prices that the Stones were charging in a stadiudm venue.


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