Saturday, September 16, 2006


I went to Carrefour to pick up some bread (now that I have a toaster, I'm able to buy bread and make toast in the morning instead of eating $1 a piece croissants) this afternoon and I was surprised to find at the entrance to the store ... displays proclaiming "Ramadan," the traditional fast-and-feast period practiced by Muslims at the end of September.

Interested customers perused by the racks of dishes (white dishes with gold trim), the sacks of couscous and bulgur wheat, the racks of lentils and split peas and chick peas, the soups and dried fruits and nuts that are a part of the evening meals ... I thought how hard it must be during the day time while they are fasting but for the meals it must truly be a time of celebration.

I bought three things:
1) Le Phare du Cap Bon Harissa sauce (made with chili peppers and garlic)
2) Instant Moroccan Harira soup mix
3) Instant Moroccan Chorba soup mix

I figure that since I never have a chance to see or buy these products I should try to eat them at least once.

Harissa sauce I have been looking for for some time so I was happy to find it. It comes in a tube just like wasabi. (As you might recall Harissa sauce is an integral part of the Doner Kebab sandwiches made in the quarters here).



Wikipedia has an explanation of Ramadan here

Here is a photo of the Harissa sauce

And a must-see, must-read explanation of Harira soup (with photo) here (Wikipedia)


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