Wednesday, October 04, 2006

From Microeconomics to Marketing --

Monday and Tuesday was an intensive introduction to Microeconomics, but having prepared over the weekend it was much easier to understand despite the numerous concept introduced during the lecture. Having some time to learn the vocabulary before the lecture makes such a big difference. And this time, the teacher was an experienced teacher who has taught MBAs before and knows the trouble that non-academics have in grasping even the most basic of economics concepts. I should know: I was one of those struggling to understand.

Today (Wednesday) we started a module on Marketing: again, condensed into four days but with four different case studies, including one on the BMW (in the Bond film Goldeneye) and one on Virgin Airlines. The professor is a no-nonsense Brit who's enthusiastic about what she teaches. Her sense of humor is a little bit hard to grasp sometimes, but her examples are generally good and she keeps up the pace of the class, so one never feels bored or sleepy. Tomorrow are lessons about segmentation, targeting, and positioning, concepts which I think I have a basic intuitive understanding of but which I have never studied in an academic environment.


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