Saturday, February 24, 2007

Yesterday's finds at -- you guessed it -- Carrefour!

Yesterday, I had a meeting with my project group (we're doing a consulting project during the course of the year), and in the afternoon I came back, had some lunch, and then went shopping for supplies before the Saturday rush. Actually, with all the school kids on vacation (skiing?), the shopping center should be a little more empty than usual, but ... I'm not interested in finding out.

So I did some shopping at the usual places -- Lidl, where I buy some vegetables at prices close to the open market prices (that's why I've stopped going to the market in the wintertime, but don't worry once spring comes again I'll be hopping out there again), and for bacon at a store called Ed (feels sort of like Grocery Outlet), then finally at Carrefour.

Although I bought bread and some dishwashing detergent (Carrefour's special sale: buy one, the second at half price), what I was surprised to find were the following two items:

- Cote de Blayes wine

A very full bodied wine from the Bordeaux area with a very distinct flavor, and one of my favorites, and inexpensive at 2,90.

-RICARD pastis

Pastis in a special edition yellow bottle designed by "Garouste and Bonetti." Normally selling at a premium of 14 EUR (compared to 10 EUR for a similar sized bottle), this product was also part of the 'buy one, second at half price' promotion. If you do the math, it comes out about equal to the normal green bottles. And you have a nice bottle you can use in the future for pastis ... or I suppose even for flowers.

The other bottle in the picture is table wine that I'd picked up at Lidl, appellation "Cotes du Roussillon," from Perpignan.


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