Sunday, November 05, 2006


OL finally lost yesterday to low-ranking Rennes, in a game which saw the Rennes side score early and OL captain Juninho thrown out of the game for a red card.

It's hard to tell if it was fatigue (some of the games have seen OL sort of on auto-pilot), bad luck, the exclusion of their key defender Cris, or a combination of factors. It was not a home game and I tried to follow it on the Internet, but the real-time updates function was broken and I found out about the result only a few hours after the game.

The coach has been philosophical about it, that OL should take this defeat in stride and work hard to win its next few matches. Without Juninho for at least the next match (because of his expulsion in this match) it won't be easy, but OL does have the depth. We'll see.


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