The New-Fangled McDo: Chic and Wired
Not far from Place des Terreaux, about a fifteen-minute walk from my place, there's a brilliant renovated McDonald's. Up to now you've probably
associated McDo (this is what the French call it) with red and yellow, but this one is different: cool, sleek black and white interior, elevator for the handicapped, and a free public WiFi.

McDo has been changing its profile from a hamburger shop to a place where people can also pick up a coffee and pastries. So (as with the Business Week article that I sent you recently), McDonald's is trying to increase its client base by offering different services to different sets of clients: burgers for those want a meal, but coffee and snacks to those who just want to rest for a few moments during their shopping.
I like it. And I hope they continue to renovate their other existing locations. When I was in Paris in December, they had already renovated their location at the Defense metro terminal. With Starbucks making inroads into France, McDo's got to keep on their toes!
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