Monday, November 27, 2006

First round of tests went all right, on to another school module!

Sorry I haven't written all week! What a whirlwind it was! I made it through unscathed and actually enjoyed the latter half of the week.

I had three tests on Tuesday, microeconomics, macroeconomics and marketing. Except for a short section on the microeconomics test, all the others were long-essay type tests in which we were asked to apply the concepts that we had learned to some theoretical questions.

Macroeconomics was easy (oddly enough I finally understood it on the day before the test), microeconomics was a struggle, and marketing I have no idea. But the courses are basically graded on a pass/fail scale so I'm optimistic about passing. Just hoping to pass "with distinction." Nah, those days are over.

Right the next day we began our next module of Organizational Behavior, but also known as Human Resources. I have to admit that I knew nothing about what it was about, but I find some aspects of it really quite interesting. Last week was about managing within an organization, today's (Monday) session was about the role of a human resources director within an organization.

Coincidentally with my teaching background a lot of the professors or the executives whom I've talked to have recommended I look into it as a job out of school. It's a polyvalent job, meaning that you have to deal with hiring, training, firing, knowning about regulations, motivation, influencing, and so on. I'll have to ask cousin W about it sometime when I see her next.


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