Friday, November 10, 2006

Lyon ekes out 2-1 victory over lowly Valenciennes

Without several stars in their lineup OL took on what was supposed to have been an easy match with fourteenth-ranked Valenciennes, but they lost a forward in the opening minutes and later another of their stars on the right side to injury. The underdog Valenciennes team played a gritty game, although several questionable calls by the referee had the fans around me in an uproar.

And when Valenciennes scored against OL late in the second half, fans began to get unruly and fearful that the team might suffer its second loss in as many games. Even I was on the edge of my seat in the final minutes, when past the eightieth minute mark Lyon had yet to score, and I had almost given up.

Then in the final five minutes, they scored once! twice! and stole victory from Valenciennes.


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