Monday, November 06, 2006

Russian Vodka and Caviar

Not imitation stuff: the real thing.

My Russian colleague brought back some caviar and "real" Russian vodka from Russia that he got on a recent visit home. A group of us sipped (not chugged, heavens no!) vodka from small shot glasses and ate the caviar on sliced French bread and butter, the way that he eats it in Moscow.
The only other times I've had caviar, I remember it to be salty and the eggs, small. But trying this completely changed my impression of caviar. Smooth, and not excessively salty, it goes well with butter, and, duh, vodka. The vodka was served chilled in the freezer, and slid down easily.

From what I can imagine it's not cheap and I'm not even sure if it's available in the U.S. because of regulations governing endangered species. But it's fantastic and I hope to be able to try it again. Let's see: caviar, foie gras, and truffles. Does that mean I've had the three delicacies of the world now?



I would dare to say that many of us are unaware of the number of brands of vodka produced. Check out the variety of labels at this link:


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