Monday, February 26, 2007

Still more surprises at Carrefour: this time, desserts

On my way back from school today I stopped again at Carrefour to pick up some oranges, which I'd been unable to pick up last week. I bought two kilograms of oranges (close to 4.5 lbs) for 2,50 EUR. They're very sweet, imported from Spain and no post-harvest pesticides.

The surprise of the day was the dessert section, which I usually pass by without trying. But since I'm here, why not, take advantage of the Buy 1 Get the 2nd for 1/2 price promotion to try something new?

So I bought creme caramel (flan) which was pretty much what I had expected it to be (after all we have the same sort of prepared pudding in Japan), and for the second box of desserts, chose what they call "gateau de semoule," where semoule refers to semolina flour, the main ingredient in pasta and couscous. From what I understand it's originally an Algerian dessert, but if I'm wrong, my apologies ...

It's like a rice pudding, thick and starchy at the same time, but incredibly tasty with raisins and caramel (and if I'm not mistaken, a hint of rum?) In any case, compared to the rather ordinary creme caramel, it was a pleasant discovery and something I'd like to try again. Notice the raisins in the picture: don't they look tasty?


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