Thursday, March 08, 2007

What a week it's been.

It's Thursday night, changing to Friday morning as I write this. What a busy week it's been, as I'm attempting to be one of the few students to take three "gateway" courses simultaneously. Not only is it a logistical nightmare, forcing me to stay at school from morning to evening, the workload is just something else ...

The three courses are Finance: Corporate Control (how to coordinate corporate strategy using the financial tools of debt and equity), B2B (Business to Business Marketing), and Strategic Services Management.

B2B is certainly important but it's not really quite what I'm interested in. It talks about how to sell goods between companies and not to consumers. Services on the other hand, has been interesting and has helped me to see how service providers design and structure their services. McDo often comes up in discussion, but also other companies in the service sector. I'd love to work as a consultant in this area someday ... always find a better way to do things ...

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I have off, but I will be working to get ahead on my homework and stuff like that. I'm going to sleep in late and then go rations hunting in the afternoon. Used up all the food in my fridge. Well, not quite, but ...yes, I've actually made rice twice for lunch this week since I didn't have a full hour for my lunch break and needed to eat something better than the bland sandwiches for sale at the snack bar. (The cafeteria where I often ate in the fall is a ten minute walk and I wouldn't make it in time for my afternoon classes if I went there).

Today (Thursday) was just incredibly busy. Finance in the morning, a hurried lunch, then Services Management in the afternoon, followed by a one-hour conference with my Services teacher, and then after that a two hour presentation by a headhunter from Lyon (who gave great advice about self-presentation and being proactive in the job search process.)

Got home at about 8:30 and decided nevertheless to make soup from scratch, so I made it with bacon, onions, potatoes, carrots, canned tomatoes. Make sure I ate some veggies. Will get more when I got out shopping later on.


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