Saturday, March 03, 2007

Still working on the cable company ...

I still haven't received a refund for the overcharges of the last few months. Stopped in their offices again this afternoon, and they checked the status of the reimbursment. "In progress ..." Well, that's what they told me the last time!

Fortunately, the woman working there this time was the month who had helped me out greatly a month ago to straighten up the mess in the first place: the woman who deleted my bank account information from the other customer's information and the one who had signalled to the accounting department to issue a reimbursement.

She told me today that she would "push" my case again to get it processed through the system. I'm still waiting, but remain optimistic.

Just like in Japan, it doesn't make sense to get worked up over things you can't really change. Try your best and then let the system work it out. Hopefully you'll get what you want in the long run ...


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