Saturday, March 03, 2007

Finance Test went smoothly on Thursday

I had my first "controle" of the term on Thursday, a three-hour exam on finance, involving company valuation. The first three problems went smoothly and I gave my best effort on the fifth problem, but I could simply not get problem four to give me a satisfactory result.

Nevertheless, with a passing grade at 10/20, I feel confident that I will be able to pass the course on the first try.

Others in my class were less optimistic after the test. Finance is supposed to be one of the harder majors or specializations here, but to me, because it deals with concrete numbers it's easier to manage than marketing or strategy, which takes into account so many more variables and things to consider.

Fortunately for my services management and B2B (business to business) marketing course this term I only have to complete several papers in lieu of final exams. It'll be a busy March, but that's what I chose to sign on to.


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